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"Home is not a place, it's a feeling in your heart."

My story

Hey kindred spirits!


I'm Francesca, a former corporate warrior turned wandering soul. For more than 15 years I navigated the corridors of the business world in Switzerland, but one day, I decided to throw caution to the wind and embark on a journey of self-discovery. 


Seven years into my nomadic adventure I have a heart brimming with stories, and a soul deeply connected to the pulse of the Earth. In my global escapades I've been a student of life, learning from the kaleidoscope of people, cultures, and landscapes that have graced my journey. Nature, in all its untamed glory, has been a great mentor – a patient teacher imparting wisdom to those willing to listen. From sunsets over unfamiliar horizons, to the rustle of leaves in remote forests I've found solace and purpose in the embrace of the natural world.


My decision to break free from the shackles of routine wasn't just about exploring new places; it was about reconnecting with my essence, listening to my intuition, and discovering what truly makes my heart sing.

Growing up immersed in the rich tapestry of the science of Ayurveda and yoga, I found after my break free that these ancient practices and way of living weren't just a part of my history; they were my great passion. 


In my nomadic life I've unraveled the secrets of happiness and health, weaving the wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda and other ancient traditions into the very fabric of my being. What started as a personal exploration became a broader mission – to share that transformative power not only for individual well-being but as a gift to the world we collectively inhabit.


Join me in this journey of self-discovery and holistic living. Let's unravel the secrets together, creating a harmonious dance between our inner selves and the vast world that surrounds us. The essence of joy and vitality awaits, and I'm here to guide you on this transformative path.


My mission? To spread the word of a happy and healthy existence, not just for individuals but for the entire planet. Living as a nomad has taught me that our well-being is intricately tied to the well-being of Mother Earth. It's not a one-way street, it's about us; it's about coexisting harmoniously with nature, being stewards of this planet, and preserving its beauty for generations yet to come. 


So, join me in this exciting journey of self-discovery and holistic living, where the road is endless, and the destination is ever-changing. Let's unravel the secrets together, creating a harmonious dance between our inner selves and the vast world that surrounds us. My aim is simple – to make humanity aware of the recipe for a fulfilling life and how we can nourish the Earth in return. The essence of joy and vitality awaits us.


Here's to the wild ride, the discoveries, and the endless possibilities that unfold when we dare to follow our hearts.


With a heart full of purpose,



Call, text or email me now for a free 15 minute consultation.

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WhatsApp: +61 468 342 332

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